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The Sassy Girl Spin on Quarantine

There is nothing about COVID-19 that is fair. Nothing about this global pandemic is forgiving. Hearing about the devastations that the world is currently enduring, certainly provides no relief to this already upsetting time, but now more than ever it is crucial to pay attention and tend to your emotions. Everyone has experienced some form of disappointment throughout this period... I know I have, and that is OK.

Well, how can you find bliss while in constant isolation?

In the beginning, the idea of a "quarantine" was terrifying. I went days without getting fresh air and barely had the motivation to eat a full meal. Thankfully, that all changed when I took control of my thoughts and emotions. You control your happiness, so if you are not happy, find that activity that puts a smile on your face until your cheeks hurt. I dedicated time for myself to paint, draw, tie-dye, bake, and of course, write. Remember that "boredom is a luxury" so use this downtime to cleanse your aura... because [newsflash] Donald Trump is still president and we could all use this as an opportunity to "rest". It is with high hopes that whoever may be reading this right now, is inspired to find a hobby that allows them to enjoy life again.

My Quarantine Creations (thus far):

Sassy Girl Weekly promises this will get better!


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