It is evident our nation is in crisis right now. Protesters stormed major cities all over the world to demand justice for George Floyd as well as end the racial inequality within our society. While the media is flooded with information regarding the Black Lives Matter movement, the world is still suffering a health crisis as well, coronavirus. Racial inequality is ingrained in the DNA of the United States, and now is the time to finally establish a sense of equality between all races.
Regarding the protests and the Black Lives Matter movement, it is critical to speak up and use your voice. That does not only apply to those who are actively being oppressed, but it also applies to those who have privilege because there is nothing more admirable and praiseworthy than to use your privilege to help those who are deserving of privilege but unfortunately do not receive it. Right now it is more important than ever to utilize the loud and powerful voice you all possess. Speak confidently and clearly. Be one with your community. Spark outrage and make a change; however, remain peaceful.
Regarding the current pandemic, it is important to remember that while governors and state legislators are reducing current restrictions, that does not mean that wearing masks and social distancing guidelines no longer apply. Regardless of your social status or wealth, that does not make you an exception to the rules.
It was a couple of nights ago when I commented on a couple of my peers’ Instagram posts, asking them to wear a mask. The pictures that I commented on all had commonalities amongst them: those who were pictured were in sizable groups of individuals, they were not wearing masks, and they were not abiding by social distancing guidelines. In my comment, I not only respectfully asked the individuals to wear a mask, but I made it very clear that their Instagram posts came off very insensitive to what is happening in the world right now, disrespectful to those who are on the frontlines, disrespectful to those who have died alone due to this brutal virus, and highly unnecessary to post considering the several conflicts our society is presently dealing with. I received massive amounts of backlash and negativity, but despite that, I continued to comment on several of my acquaintances’ posts. I had an army of passionate women and men who showed their support by liking my many comments, posting powerful messages about what I had done on their own social media, and privately messaging me to show how appreciative they were that I spoke up. As more people began to message me, I realized that so many other kids also wanted to say something to those who were not following the rules, but they felt they couldn’t because they feared judgment and aversion. I feel beyond grateful that I received way more love and support than I did hate and or threats. I thought it valuable that I screenshot, and repost the hate I received to show my followers that in the society we live in, there are always going to be people who disagree with you; however, you cannot let that stop what you’re doing.
Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, around 25 women accused him of sexual misconduct. Donald Trump is notorious for denying these accusations, claiming these women are “lying”, and stating that these women only spoke out against him to benefit former presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Those 25 women along with the countless other females who spoke out against the former film director, Harvey Weinstein, exhibited extreme bravery and fueled the Me Too movement.
Regretting speaking up is far better than regretting to say anything at all. It is not always easy to find your inner voice, but when you do, be sure to use it because you could change the minds of so many as well as inspire others to also speak up.