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Nasty Woman: An Empowering Term

Nasty. Woman. Nasty Woman. To someone like myself, any way you put it, “Nasty Woman” may be one of the greatest compliments you could ever receive. To someone as close-minded and misogynistic as Donald Trump, who coined the term “Nasty Woman”, this name means anything but great. Let’s break this down. 

During the final presidential debate of 2016, Donald Trump first used the term “Nasty Woman” to refer to his opponent, Hillary Clinton. Obviously “nasty” has a negative connotation and is often associated with things that cause feelings of “disgust” or “hate” and that is exactly why Donald Trump labeled the inspirational, determined, passionate, resilient (I could go on forever) female politician, a Nasty Woman. Following this debate, the hashtag #ImANastyWoman blew up on social media which fueled the discussion that highlighted the difference in treatment towards successful women and their male counterparts. Despite the movement Donald Trump unintentionally started, he continues to refer to brilliant women as “nasty”. 

Some of the females that have been labeled “nasty” according to Trump are Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Meghan Markle, and more. Ironically enough, Clinton, Harris, Pelosi, and Markle are arguably some of the strongest, influential, most kick-ass females of all time. Not to mention, they are each extremely successful and accomplished women who worked their asses off to get to where they all currently are; unlike Trump who reportedly paid someone to take his SAT exam, cheated on his taxes, cheated on his wives, cheated at the game of golf, cheated in the 2016 presidential race, and cheated the entire United States of America. So, I am not sure if Donald Trump has read his own biography but I think we can all agree that the real “nasty” person here, is Donald Trump. 

Regardless, if women like Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris are labeled Nasty Women, then the term is absolutely empowering. Similarly to how the norms of society pertaining to women are changing, the meaning of “nasty” (in this context) is also changing. 100 years ago a woman would feel beyond offended if she was labeled “nasty”; however, thanks to the current women empowerment movement, terms like these are gold amongst feminists. Nothing Donald Trump says has ever had a positive impact on me besides the phrase “Nasty Woman”. Like I say, Sassy Girls become Nasty Women. We do everything a man can do 10x better. We hold our heads up high even though we make only $0.81 for every one dollar a man makes. We don’t give up despite the way society treats us. We are Nasty Women. 


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