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Let's Talk About "Karens"

I am sure you have heard of the term “Karen”. You may have called someone a “Karen” or you yourself may have even been called a “Karen”... but what really is a “Karen”? 

“Karen” is a term that has recently been used more than ever. As used in popular internet memes, Karen is a ‘middle-aged white woman, with an asymmetrical bob hairstyle who asks to speak to the manager’ and did I mention that Karen is the queen of ignorance and entitlement? Long story short, the term “Karen” has negative connotations and the bottom line is that you N-E-V-E-R want to be referred to as a “Karen”. 

The reasons for which our society has seen a sudden rise in “Karens” is because racist, white-supremacist, and ignorant women are now being labeled as “Karen”. Sure, there have always been racist and entitled women all around the world, but now they are being captured on film for not wearing masks in public institutions, throwing racial slurs at people of color, pulling guns on innocent people of color, and calling the police on people of color for BS reasons. “Karens” think they are superior to others, specifically when it comes to race and wealth, but why are these racist women given “cute” nicknames rather than simply being labeled, racist? 

Well, that right there is a huge problem. The term “Karen” originated before it was associated with racism, wealth, and white supremacy, and as the term became more prominent, the meaning behind the name has been quite misunderstood. The term was only supposed to pertain to women who wanted to “speak to the manager”; however, it’s now associated with white supremacist and racist women which is why we, as a society, cannot continue calling the racist women we see online and in the real world, “Karens”. 

There are many reasons for which we need to stop calling prejudiced women, Karen but one of which is that women whose names are actually Karen may not actually be a racist or a white supremacist so it is completely unfair to affiliate this name with such awful individuals. Another reason we need to stop calling prejudiced women, Karen is that we need to call them what they are… which is R-A-C-I-S-T. It is absolutely unnecessary to disguise the fact that these women are bigoted by giving them a “cute” or “funny” nickname. They are ignorant, racist, white-supremacist, bigoted, intolerant, and entitled individuals. So, call them that. 

Karens are known for their loud mouths so channel your inner Karen [minus the racism and entitlement] and use your voice to hold these ignorant women accountable.    


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