She said, “unless you’re accused of that [going too far], you haven’t gone far enough!” Gloria Steinem shed light on the fact that feminists are too often accused of “going too far”. Many do not realize that change cannot be brought upon without a radical movement, especially when it is regarding the ownership a woman has over HER OWN body.
Gloria Steinem, known as the World’s Most Famous Feminist started her mission in the ‘60s to give women their due. Steinem worked as a passionate journalist who published bold exposes and essays that outlined the inequality of women. Just a 26-year-old woman, living in a society that made women out to be inferior to men, is now 86 years young and still fighting and protesting for equality on the basis of gender.
Thankfully, Steinem has paved the way for other aspiring female journalists, like myself, when she co-founded the Ms. Magazine which was the first feminist magazine to be created and operated solely by women. From organizing the National Women’s conference in Texas that served to institute gender equality, to writing and publishing several books, to being awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom by former U.S President Barack Obama, to even getting three shows all about her outstanding life premiered on the streaming service, Hulu, Gloria Steinem laid down the foundation for gender equality and normalized feminism.
Her inspiring message about “going too far” is extremely timely and relevant to what our society is currently facing. Whether you are thinking about the Black Lives Matter movement, the Me Too movement, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the presidency of Donald Trump, or any of the other conflicts our nation is experiencing, the only way to bring about change is to “go too far”. Hopefully, change in general will be more accessible when Donald Trump is no longer president; however, he and his inexperienced administration are still in the White House which means now is the time to be as loud as possible. Channel your inner Gloria Steinem and “go too far”, spark outrage, gather an army of independent and strong women, and most importantly, do not stop until you have turned your dream into reality.